What is prayer?

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  • #26223
    Anahtar yönetici

    What is prayer?
    Prayer is simply talking to God. You can talk with Him anytime, day or night. You can talk with Him whether you are alone, or with other people. You can talk with Him as you would with a close friend. And you can be honest with Him, and speak to Him about anything.
    The Bible has many stories of individuals who prayed for many different reasons and in many different ways. Many people think that you only can pray on your knees with hands folded, head bowed, and eyes closed.
    But the Bible makes it clear that there is no right or wrong way to pray. You can stand or kneel, have your eyes open or shut, and speak audibly to God or talk silently to Him in your heart. Prayer is not bound by tradition or position. It means talking with God from your heart.

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