Wife-beating in Turkey

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  • #26001
    Anahtar yönetici

    February, 2009 Dhimiwatch.org Wife-beating “virtually institutionalized” in modern, moderate, secular Turkey

    Spousal abuse is found in all countries and cultures, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction: “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.” — Qur’an 4:34
    “Health Workers Facilitate Wife Beating,” by Carol Forsloff for Digital Journal, February 1 (thanks to Pamela):

    Wife-beating is epidemic in Turkey. It’s widespread in South Africa. More than a third of the women in Brazil and Thailand report physical partner violence. Although it is condemned by helping organizations around the world, wife beating is common in many places. What’s worse is when health workers facilitate or condone it as recently reported in a study done in Turkey.
    In Turkey which has wife-beating virtually institutionalized, a high percentage of health workers don’t respond or work with the victims of domestic violence in sympathetic ways. That’s because the culture accepts wife- beating. On a questionnaire 69.0% of the female and 84.7% of the male health workers stated that the agreed to or partially agreed to at least one reason to excuse physical violence.
    The accepted grounds for beating one’s wife in Turkey includes criticizing the man, lying to him or refusing to care for the children. Deceiving the husband is the most serious offense with over half of female doctors agreeing that the man should be able to punish the wife physically if the wife deceived him. These are accepted grounds also for honor killings.
    Because of the cultural rigidity on the matter of approving wife-beating most health care workers in Turkey don’t know the legal issues nor is there any real training in the country to help medical personnel identify and report signs of physical abuse….

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