Why do I need to believe in Jesus?

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  • #26219
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    Why do I need to believe in Jesus?
    God loves you so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to Earth in the form of a man to pay the penalty for the sins and disobedience of the entire world. When God created mankind in His own image, He made us perfect. He created us to have a relationship and perfect fellowship with Him.
    But something happened that changed all that. He had created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, and gave them free will. Sadly, they made a choice to disobey God. Because Adam and Eve decided to disobey God, all of us are separated from Him. And their decision condemned us all to spiritual and eternal death.
    Yet, God loves us so much that He made a plan to bring us back into fellowship and restore our relationship with Him. The plan is simple: God sent His perfect Son, Jesus Christ, to earth as a man to be punished for our sins in our place.
    When you believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He was punished for your sins in your place; when you believe that God raised Him from the dead; when you accept Jesus as your Savior and make Him the Lord of your life; and when you choose to walk in obedience to God and His Word, then you receive the right to spend a glorious eternity in heaven with Him!
    You exchange your will for His. You exchange eternal condemnation without Him for eternity in heaven with Him.

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