"Who do You Say that I Am?"

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  • #26464

    Yes, Lord,” she told him, “I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.” John 11:27

    Chapter 11 of John’s Gospel recounts the death and resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus’ close personal friend (along with his sisters Mary & Martha). It is an amazing picture of God’s love and compassion for each of us, his intimate involvement in our daily lives, his perfect timing, and his absolute control over life and death.

    In verse 26, Jesus asks Martha if she believes Jesus is really who He says He is. Verse 27 is her response. Who do you believe Jesus is? Some would say a wise teacher; others a good person with good morals and who performed acts of kindness; still others might call him a prophet, and some might even say he was just some strange religious fanatic. But Jesus himself claimed numerous times to be God’s Son, the promised Messiah, the One the Old Testament prophets foretold who would come and redeem the sins of all mankind. He even claimed to be God himself, a statement the religious leaders of the day found to be worthy of his death.

    The point is – Jesus’ statements about himself demand a response from everyone who hears or reads them. We cannot ignore these claims; one day all will have to answer his question “Who do you say I am?”. The follow-up question, then, is this: if I believe Jesus really is “the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world”, do my attitudes, thoughts, words and actions reflect this belief? If not, why not?

    A response is required from each of us. What is your response?

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