The Parable of the Lost Son

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  • #23572
    Anahtar yönetici

    The Parable of the Lost Son

    Luke 15:11-32

    Son ask his father to get his portion and lives his father's house.After
    living a wasteful life he filling his stomach with leftovers from
    swine.After coming back to his senses he returs back home.His father recieve
    him back.His father gives a great big feast. His older brother is upset
    since he been with his father the whole time.Older brother is joules. Father
    express is happiness that lost son is home.

    We as children of God fell sometime also.We start doing thing that is
    pleasing to our flesh.( it calls backsliding).But when we realize we are
    wrong and come back to our Father we realize He been waiting for us ( see
    verse 20 the father saw his son first he's son was far away it indicates the
    father was waiting ).But then we have the other belivere then make us feel
    like we are not worthe of Fathers love because of the fall(see verse 25
    older brother was angry). But Father is always happy to see his children
    coming back to Him.

    So be mindful when your sister or brother fall instand of talking about
    her/him pray for them.

    For a righteous man may fall seven times,And rise again ( Provers 24:16)

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