The Fear of the Lord

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  • #27612

    And he will delight in the fear of the Lord. Isaiah 11:3

    I find this verse both interesting, challenging, and a little puzzling at the same time. The term “the fear of the Lord” has always confused me somewhat. Does it mean I am supposed to go about my day in constant terror or dread of God, worried that at any moment He might exact a serious and painful (probably well-deserved) punishment on me? Is God like an angry parent or neighborhood bully of whom I need to live in perpetual fear? (I believe we should approach God with “fear and trembling” but I am not sure that is the exact meaning of this and similar verses.)

    I believe “fear” as it is intended here has the meaning of “reverence” and “respect”. God is perfectly holy, just, all-powerful, all-knowing, filled with patience, mercy, grace and compassion, and loves us with a powerful, unconditional love that we can never earn or repay. Certainly He deserves our utmost fear/reverence/respect.

    And what is the natural response of fearing the Lord in this way? Obedience. If I have a healthy fear of God, if I give Him the reverence and respect he is due, then I will naturally want to obey Him in everything I think, say and do. I do not obey out of “fear” that He may strike me dead or send me to hell if I disobey, but I willingly and joyfully obey Him out of my love for and fear/ reverence of Him.

    Therein lies the challenge: Isaiah says we are to delight in the fear of the Lord. Our reverence of God, and our resultant obedience, should be done with delight, with great joy. He deserves it, and when we fear Him it brings Him great joy as well.

    Solomon said in the book of Proverbs say that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. With the above as background, can you see why?

    Have a Blessed Christmas and New Year!

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