Obstacles to Conversion

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  • #25370


    It is not so simple as to just inform the Muslim that Christ is the true Savior. Islamic thought and culture is woven into almost every part of their society. In fact, Islam is thought of more as a cultured heritage than a religion. Even though a Muslim may not go to the mosque regularly, the thought of becoming a Christian would, in his thinking, mean becoming a traitor to his people and his country. For a Muslim to confess Christ publicly almost always involves a complete rejection from his family and friends.
    When the cost of commitment is so dear, it is obvious that it will take more than just a Sunday School sermon to convince the Muslim. Something powerful must jolt him to make him so aware of the Living Christ, that he is willing to pay the price of ostracism to know the True God. That Something is the Mighty Power of the Living God, manifested in healing, delivery and blessing the sick, diseased, bound and oppressed, which goes far beyond either Mohammed’s and Allah’s capabilities or will; to reach down in love and get involved with mankind at his point of need. Thank God, our Lord is not just a God afar off, but a very present help in time of trouble.

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