No Exceptions

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  • #26889

    This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Rom 3:22-24

    The bad news – “all have sinned”. God’s Word here is crystal clear, and the choice of words is intentional. It doesn’t say “some” have sinned or even “most” have sinned, or “all but a select few”; it says all and that means everyone, including you and me. We are born with the sin nature in us; we have a natural propensity to sin. We have each disobeyed God in some way. We may tend to focus on “big” sins like murder or adultery, and therefore deny that we are sinful; but God’s Word says such things as greed, envy, malice, bitterness, lust, etc. are also sins. All sin is disobedience to God and all sin grieves His heart. The Bible says “we were dead in our trespasses and sins” and “the wages of sin is death”, so the fact that we are all sinful is indeed bad news.

    The Good News – Jesus, the sinless Son of God, died on our behalf to pay the penalty just described. God exchanged our sin for His righteousness. By His grace we have been justified, forgiven of our sins and our relationship with God restored. This forgiveness, this righteousness, this justification is freely available to all who ask (notice again the word “all” applies to the entire verse). By Christ’s death we are redeemed – bought at a very high price.

    Many people don’t like the term “sin” and do not like the Christian Church because we refer to everyone as “sinners”. We must get past this and realize that it is our nature, and, while it is not something to be proud of, we should take comfort in the fact that God has made a way for us to be restored, rescued from sin’s grasp.

    “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” 2 Cor 9:15

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