Is Jesus the only way to God?

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  • #26221
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    Is Jesus the only way to God?
    If you want to please God, it is important that you do not think you can go your own way. It must be God’s way. Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me” (John 14:6). In the world, other people may say that they can lead us to God, but the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is the only true way.
    God loves you so much! He has so many wonderful blessings, promises, and gifts He wants to share with you. He has chosen you to be a part of His family forever. But you must choose Him. He will not make up your mind for you, nor will He force Himself on you. If there were 100 steps between you and God, He would take 99, but He would leave that last step to you.
    He has given you a free will so that you can make your own choices. You must choose whom you will serve: Yourself or God.

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