Basically Good or Inherently Evil?

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  • #26848

    As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” Romans 3:10-12

    Many people struggle with the Christian faith because it doesn’t always make them feel “good” about themselves. People have told me over the years that they don’t like constantly being referred to as a “sinner”, and they would rather practice a religion where people are considered to be “basically good”.

    The problem with this reasoning, as Paul points out, is that mankind is not basically good – we are inherently evil. We have to look at this verse through God’s eyes. God is absolutely perfect – He is holy, sinless, pure, majestic, glorious. Ever since the Fall of man, however, humans have been exactly the opposite; we have a tendency toward that which is unholy, sinful and corrupt – this is called our “sin nature”.

    The miracle and the mystery is that, by asking forgiveness for our sins and accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, when God looks upon us, He no longer sees our sin nature – He sees His Son. Every one of our sins has been forgiven and forgotten, and the broken relationship between sinful man and a Holy God has been restored.

    The message here is to realize that we are all sinful and that none of us deserve God’s grace and mercy, yet He gives them to us freely and abundantly if we will only ask.


    Dear Foster hello,

    I think that there is some mistake in what you say (or at least in the way you say it)… The Christian teaching and the whole Bible says that human being is inherently good. That’s so because human being is created from God himself. The whole creation is inherently good, beside. Even satan himself is no other than Lucifer in a fallen condition. God never created something inherently evil. So there may not exist something inherently evil. This is impossible. Sin is only a perversion of this inherently good nature that exists everywhere in in the whole Cosmos. In fact God’s grace purifies man/woman so that he/she may get back to his/her prior to ‘fall’ condition and thereon to fulfillment by becoming united to God himself.

    Yes, it is true… sin has become a ‘second nature’ somehow to human being but, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than a ‘debris’ covering the pure and benign nature of him/her. A ‘debris’ that can not be dealt with without God’s grace, no doubt, but still a ‘debris’ only.

    We are good inherently… but we need to ‘unlock’ ourselves to Christ’s healing and, there, our inherent goodnes will shine again. It is as sunlight energy cells. If you keep them covered they are not of use. But they are there. The only thing you have to do for making them work is to uncover them.

    I suspect you do not disagree with all those said above, that it is only a matter of expressing something in a different way. But despite this I felt the need to clarify the matter, for the sake of not going to confusion in such an important issue.

    God’s blessings be with you…


    Dear Viran dide – I apologize for any confusion and do not mean to cause any division on this point. I do believe that God created Adam and Eve as “good” (sinless), but ever since the Fall, mankind, although created by God, is sinful by nature. We are born of the sinful flesh from Adam and Eve as our ancestors. Our whole need for a Savior is based on the fact that we are not good and cannot do anything to save ourselves. Even Paul talked about the two warring natures within him, the sinful nature and the Spirit.

    You are right that we are probably saying the same thing in different ways.

    Blessings to you my Brother,

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