As a student, no one talked to me about Christ

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  • #23887
    Anahtar yönetici

    As a student, no one talked to me about Christ



    Having grown up in a Muslim family in Africa I accepted, believed and participated in the Muslim faith. In my youth several of my family members died in a short period of time. One day I remember crying out to God, “I want to know you before it is my turn to die.” I did not know at that time that my prayer would be answered in a very unexpected way.

    I was eventually awarded a scholarship to go to university in the USA. While completing my bachelors and masters degrees I was active in a fellowship of Muslim students at the university. I am sorry to say, that in all my time in the States as a student, no one ever talked to me about Christ. But, I know people were praying.

    I took a job and settled into a new life in the States. One day, I returned to my apartment and sat down on the sofa. Suddenly, the room filled with light and I looked up to see a man in white, glowing like the sun, standing in front of me. He said, “You wanted to see and know your Creator, here I am.” The room was filled with His light and love. As I looked at Him, I begin to sense my own unworthiness and was filled with guilt. The man was holding something in His hand then I opened my mouth and he fed me. I felt light and love going down into my being. I knew I was in the room with Jesus Christ, my Lord and Creator.

    As soon as He left the room, I was compelled to go to a grocery store in my neighborhood. I had no idea why, I just knew I was to go. Arriving there I stood in the fruit section. Soon, a large man walked up to me and said “Hello, I am a pastor of a church and I want to get to know you. Here is my card and I would like for you to join my family and I for a meal.” This was all part of God's plan for me to meet Christians.

    I have since returned to my country and my people. The vast majority of them do not know Christ. But, many are praying for their salvation. Many are witnessing to them on a daily basis and I know that Christ loves them just as He loves me.

    From Thief to Giver
    Ali (not his real name) was a man with a very hard heart. In the past he would ride trains and befriend people. When they fell asleep, he would steal their belongings, jump off the train and sell the things. He tried Islam but it did not change him. When his sister-in-law became a Christian he persecuted her. Later, however, he acknowledged Jesus as Lord and he is now one of the main leaders of the church! The transformation in his life has been nothing less than incredible! He is one of the most humble and loving men we know. This is especially seen in how he cares for his wife and daughters!

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