Re: Should a Christian go to war?
Dear Marty Rock,
I am a Turkish Cypriot and an ex-Moslem. I went to UK in 1971 for my studies. One day, when my heart and mind was a million miles away from the Lord, when I was taken up by the pleasures of this world, I went to see a movie with my girlfriend. I was too busy enjoying her company, when the Lord spoke to me, to my heart, through a few words that were spoken in that film. The film was called “The Cross and the Switchblade”. The Lord Jesus manifested His presence to me, I cried all night and gave my heart to Him. I encountered the Living God. This was not a one-off thing, because His presence continued with me ever since (38 yrs.)
Similarly, a Greek Cypriot who was an Orthodox and whose name is Yannagis (John) also went to UK in 1971 for his studies. His mind and heart was also after the pleasures of this world and whatsoever the Devil could offer to keep us in sin and in rebellion against the Almighty. One day when he was walking along with a friend of his, they have noticed two pretty girls going into a church building and they went in after them and sat just behind them. But a few minutes later, when everybody got up and started to sing a hymn; the words of the hymn touched his heart, and he wept bitterly, calling upon the Lord to save him. He also gave his life to Jesus.
Now, why am I telling you all these? Please notice that, both of us had invisible, man made labels on our foreheads. One said “Greek Cypriot and Orthodox” and the other “Turkish Cypriot and Moslem”. As I have already said, these were man made labels. Two groups of people who in general, hate one another. Two peoples who had war with one another. And what did the world say? And how did they see the event? Headlines read “Christians and Moslems are fighting in Cyprus” and “Yet another war caused by religion”.
But how true are these headlines? Now let us look at the events from God’s point of view. Two men, they both have labels on their foreheads. Invisible still, but this time ‘God Made’ labels. They both read exactly the same, “Son of Satan”. So I was a ‘Son of Satan’, just as much as he was, doing the pleasures of our father the Devil in our bodies and living by the passions of our flesh. Our hearts not at all in compliance with the Lord and not even looking for Him.
These sons of Satan, hated one another and killed one another and then tried to blame it on God. “Religion has caused it” they said. But Jesus says: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you and persecute you. Pray for those who despitefully use you”. But I, being the ‘Son of Satan’ if do not obey the instructions of the Lord and go ahead and kill, how then can I turn round blame the Lord? All wars are caused by ‘Sons of Satan’ but always blamed on the ‘Children of God’.
Praise the Lord. For the two ‘Sons of Satan’ are now, two ‘Sons of God’ and there is no enmity between us. We are brothers in the Lord and we’ll never fight or kill one another. But others, those who are not His, will fight. And they’ll blame our Father yet once again.
I hope the foregoing was a help to you and that perhaps one day you’ll find the Living God, who loved you and gave Himself for you.
God Bless.